Monday, August 3, 2009

Cara Menyalakan Komputer by Fachri Kurniawan

      1. Pasangkan kabel ke stopkontak

      2. Tekan tombol ON pada stabilizer, kemudian tekan tombol power pada CPU dan monitor

      3. Komputer akan melakukan POST dan BOOTING, tunggu beberapa saat hingga proses tersebut selesai

      4. Setelah itu, di layar akan muncul kotak dialog untuk mengisi username beserta password dan tekan tombol enter/OK

      5. Layar akan muncul dekstop dan komputer siap dioperasikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan

How to Turn On Your Computer
  1. Connect the cable to the electric socket.
  2. Push the ON button on the stabilizer, then push the power button on the CPU and monitor.
  3. Computer will do POST and BOOTING, wait a few moment until the process finished.
  4. After that, there will be a dialog box for you to fill in the username and password, after that push Enter/Ok.
  5. The desktop will be displayed on your screen, and the computer will be ready to operate.

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