Posted in 17 February 2009 ¬ 17:56h.Rodiyansyah Sandi FajarNo Comments »
Peran TIK Bagi SiswaTerdapat beberapa peran TIK dalam membantu siswa dalam belajar, yaitu:Pertama, presenting information. Dengan adanya TIK, data dan informasi akan dengan mudah dapat diperoleh oleh siswa hanya dengan memasukkan data yang sesuai dengan yang diinginkan oleh para siswa dalam sistem internet (pencarian dengan google).Kedua, quick and automatic completion of routine tasks. Tugas-tugas rutin siswa dapat diselesaikan dengan menggunakan bantuan komputer dengan cepat dan otomatis. Dengan adanya komputer, siswa dapat membuat grafik, perhitungan data, membuat paparan yang beranimasi, dan lain sebagainya.Ketiga, assessing and handling information. Dengan adanya komputer yang dihubungkan dengan intenet, siswa dapat dengan mudah memperoleh dan mengirimkan informasi dengan mudah dan cepat. Melalui jaringan internet, siswa dapat memiliki website yang menjangkau keseluruh dunia.Peran TIK Bagi GuruSemua hal itu tidak akan terjadi dengan sendirinya karena setiap siswa memiliki kondisi yang berbeda antara satu dengan lainnya. Siswa memerlukan bimbingan baik dari guru maupun dari orang tuanya dalam melakukan proses pembelajaran dengan dukungan TIK. Dalam kaitan ini guru memegang peran yang amat penting dan harus menguasai seluk beluk TIK dan yang lebih penting lagi adalah kemampuan memfasilitasi pembelajaran anak secara efektif.Guru harus memberikan peluang yang sebesar-besarnya bagi siswa untuk mengembangkan cara-cara pembelajarannya sendiri sesuai dengan kondisi masing-masing. Disamping itu, guru diharapkan mampu memahami kondisi setiap siswa dan membantunya ke arah perkembangan optimal. Sebagai manajer pembelajaran, guru memiliki kemandirian dan otonomi yang seluas-luasnya dalam mengelola keseluruhan kegiatan belajar-mengajar dengan mendinamiskan seluruh sumber-sumber penunjang pembelajaran. guru bukanlah satu-satunya sumber belajar bagi anak, akan tetapi ia sebagai fasilitator pembelajaran siswa.
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Terjemahan: Indonesia » Inggris
Posted in 17 February 2009 ¬ 17:56h.Rodiyansyah Sandi FajarNo Comments »
Peran TIK Bagi SiswaTerdapat beberapa peran TIK dalam membantu siswa dalam belajar, yaitu:Pertama, presenting information. Dengan adanya TIK, data dan informasi akan dengan mudah dapat diperoleh oleh siswa hanya dengan memasukkan data yang sesuai dengan yang diinginkan oleh para siswa dalam sistem internet (pencarian dengan google).Kedua, quick and automatic completion of routine tasks. Tugas-tugas rutin siswa dapat diselesaikan dengan menggunakan bantuan komputer dengan cepat dan otomatis. Dengan adanya komputer, siswa dapat membuat grafik, perhitungan data, membuat paparan yang beranimasi, dan lain sebagainya.Ketiga, assessing and handling information. Dengan adanya komputer yang dihubungkan dengan intenet, siswa dapat dengan mudah memperoleh dan mengirimkan informasi dengan mudah dan cepat. Melalui jaringan internet, siswa dapat memiliki website yang menjangkau keseluruh dunia.Peran TIK Bagi GuruSemua hal itu tidak akan terjadi dengan sendirinya karena setiap siswa memiliki kondisi yang berbeda antara satu dengan lainnya. Siswa memerlukan bimbingan baik dari guru maupun dari orang tuanya dalam melakukan proses pembelajaran dengan dukungan TIK. Dalam kaitan ini guru memegang peran yang amat penting dan harus menguasai seluk beluk TIK dan yang lebih penting lagi adalah kemampuan memfasilitasi pembelajaran anak secara efektif.Guru harus memberikan peluang yang sebesar-besarnya bagi siswa untuk mengembangkan cara-cara pembelajarannya sendiri sesuai dengan kondisi masing-masing. Disamping itu, guru diharapkan mampu memahami kondisi setiap siswa dan membantunya ke arah perkembangan optimal. Sebagai manajer pembelajaran, guru memiliki kemandirian dan otonomi yang seluas-luasnya dalam mengelola keseluruhan kegiatan belajar-mengajar dengan mendinamiskan seluruh sumber-sumber penunjang pembelajaran. guru bukanlah satu-satunya sumber belajar bagi anak, akan tetapi ia sebagai fasilitator pembelajaran siswa.
bahaasa Posted in 17 February 2009 ¬ FajarNo Sandi 17:56 h.Rodiyansyah Comments » The role of ICT for ICT SiswaTerdapat some role in helping students in learning, namely: First, presenting information. With ICT, data and information can easily obtained by students just by entering data in accordance with the desires of the students in the system of internet (google search). Second, quick and automatic completion of routine tasks. Routine tasks can be solved by students using computer-assisted quickly and automatically. With computers, students can create graphs, calculate data, making the animated presentation, and other sebagainya.Ketiga, assessing and handling information. With the computer connected to the intenet, students can easily obtain and send information easily and quickly. Through the internet, students can have a website that covers a whole dunia.Peran ICT GuruSemua For it will not happen by itself because every student has different conditions to each other. Students need guidance from teachers and from their parents in the learning process with the support of ICT. In this regard, the teacher holds a very important role and must master the ins and outs of ICT and, more important is the ability to facilitate learning efektif.Guru child must provide an opportunity as much as possible for students to develop study methods themselves in accordance with their conditions respectively. In addition, teachers are expected to understand the condition of each student and help him to the optimum development. As a manager of learning, teachers have the independence and autonomy of the broadest in managing the overall teaching and learning activities with mendinamiskan all supporting sources of learning. teacher is not the only source of learning for children, but he was as a facilitator of learning students.
Indonesia—Deteksi bahasa—AlbaniaArabBelandaBulgarCekDanskEstiGalisiaHindiIbraniIndonesiaInggrisItaliaJepangJermanKatalanaKoreaKroatLatviLituaviMagyarMaltaMandarinNorskPilipinoPolskiPortugisPrancisRumaniaRusiaSerbSlovenSlowakiaSpanyolSuomiSwenskThaiTurkiUkrainaVietnamYunani > Inggris—AlbaniaArabBelandaBulgarCekDanskEstiGalisiaHindiIbraniIndonesiaInggrisItaliaJepangJermanKatalanaKoreaKroatLatviLituaviMagyarMaltaMandarin (Aks. Sederhana)Mandarin (Aks. Tradisional)NorskPilipinoPolskiPortugisPrancisRumaniaRusiaSerbSlovenSlowakiaSpanyolSuomiSwenskThaiTurkiUkrainaVietnamYunani tukar
window.jstiming.load.tick('br');h = new _History();ctr = new _TranslateForm(new _LanguageSelector('old_sl','sl_select','3'),new _LanguageSelector('old_tl','tl_select','3'),'old_submit','submit_button', h,'source','result_box','dict','autotrans','/translate','/translate_t',undefined,'', 'select_text','select_document', 'file_div', 'file',true,'telusuri','clir');window.jstiming.load.tick('prt')
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Terima kasih telah atas kontribusi Anda berupa saran terjemahan pada Google Terjemahan.
bahaasa Posted in 17 February 2009 ¬ FajarNo Sandi 17:56 h.Rodiyansyah Comments » The role of ICT for ICT SiswaTerdapat some role in helping students in learning, namely: First, presenting information. With ICT, data and information can easily obtained by students just by entering data in accordance with the desires of the students in the system of internet (google search). Second, quick and automatic completion of routine tasks. Routine tasks can be solved by students using computer-assisted quickly and automatically. With computers, students can create graphs, calculate data, making the animated presentation, and other sebagainya.Ketiga, assessing and handling information. With the computer connected to the intenet, students can easily obtain and send information easily and quickly. Through the internet, students can have a website that covers a whole dunia.Peran ICT GuruSemua For it will not happen by itself because every student has different conditions to each other. Students need guidance from teachers and from their parents in the learning process with the support of ICT. In this regard, the teacher holds a very important role and must master the ins and outs of ICT and, more important is the ability to facilitate learning efektif.Guru child must provide an opportunity as much as possible for students to develop study methods themselves in accordance with their conditions respectively. In addition, teachers are expected to understand the condition of each student and help him to the optimum development. As a manager of learning, teachers have the independence and autonomy of the broadest in managing the overall teaching and learning activities with mendinamiskan all supporting sources of learning. teacher is not the only source of learning for children, but he was as a facilitator of learning students." name=gtrans>
Kami akan menggunakan saran Anda untuk meningkatkan kualitas terjemahan saat sistem kami diperbarui di masa mendatang.
Posted in 17 February 2009 ¬ FajarNo Sandi 17:56 h.Rodiyansyah Comments »
The role of ICT for ICT SiswaTerdapat some role in helping students in learning, namely: First, presenting information. With ICT, data and information can easily obtained by students just by entering data in accordance with the desires of the students in the system of internet (google search). Second, quick and automatic completion of routine tasks. Routine tasks can be solved by students using computer-assisted quickly and automatically. With computers, students can create graphs, calculate data, making the animated presentation, and other sebagainya.Ketiga, assessing and handling information. With the computer connected to the intenet, students can easily obtain and send information easily and quickly. Through the internet, students can have a website that covers a whole dunia.Peran ICT GuruSemua For it will not happen by itself because every student has different conditions to each other. Students need guidance from teachers and from their parents in the learning process with the support of ICT. In this regard, the teacher holds a very important role and must master the ins and outs of ICT and, more important is the ability to facilitate learning efektif.Guru child must provide an opportunity as much as possible for students to develop study methods themselves in accordance with their conditions respectively. In addition, teachers are expected to understand the condition of each student and help him to the optimum development. As a manager of learning, teachers have the independence and autonomy of the broadest in managing the overall teaching and learning activities with mendinamiskan all supporting sources of learning. teacher is not the only source of learning for children, but he was as a facilitator of learning students.
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Terjemahan: Indonesia » Inggris
Posted in 17 February 2009 ¬ 17:56h.Rodiyansyah Sandi FajarNo Comments »
Peran TIK Bagi SiswaTerdapat beberapa peran TIK dalam membantu siswa dalam belajar, yaitu:Pertama, presenting information. Dengan adanya TIK, data dan informasi akan dengan mudah dapat diperoleh oleh siswa hanya dengan memasukkan data yang sesuai dengan yang diinginkan oleh para siswa dalam sistem internet (pencarian dengan google).Kedua, quick and automatic completion of routine tasks. Tugas-tugas rutin siswa dapat diselesaikan dengan menggunakan bantuan komputer dengan cepat dan otomatis. Dengan adanya komputer, siswa dapat membuat grafik, perhitungan data, membuat paparan yang beranimasi, dan lain sebagainya.Ketiga, assessing and handling information. Dengan adanya komputer yang dihubungkan dengan intenet, siswa dapat dengan mudah memperoleh dan mengirimkan informasi dengan mudah dan cepat. Melalui jaringan internet, siswa dapat memiliki website yang menjangkau keseluruh dunia.Peran TIK Bagi GuruSemua hal itu tidak akan terjadi dengan sendirinya karena setiap siswa memiliki kondisi yang berbeda antara satu dengan lainnya. Siswa memerlukan bimbingan baik dari guru maupun dari orang tuanya dalam melakukan proses pembelajaran dengan dukungan TIK. Dalam kaitan ini guru memegang peran yang amat penting dan harus menguasai seluk beluk TIK dan yang lebih penting lagi adalah kemampuan memfasilitasi pembelajaran anak secara efektif.Guru harus memberikan peluang yang sebesar-besarnya bagi siswa untuk mengembangkan cara-cara pembelajarannya sendiri sesuai dengan kondisi masing-masing. Disamping itu, guru diharapkan mampu memahami kondisi setiap siswa dan membantunya ke arah perkembangan optimal. Sebagai manajer pembelajaran, guru memiliki kemandirian dan otonomi yang seluas-luasnya dalam mengelola keseluruhan kegiatan belajar-mengajar dengan mendinamiskan seluruh sumber-sumber penunjang pembelajaran. guru bukanlah satu-satunya sumber belajar bagi anak, akan tetapi ia sebagai fasilitator pembelajaran siswa.
bahaasa Posted in 17 February 2009 ¬ FajarNo Sandi 17:56 h.Rodiyansyah Comments » The role of ICT for ICT SiswaTerdapat some role in helping students in learning, namely: First, presenting information. With ICT, data and information can easily obtained by students just by entering data in accordance with the desires of the students in the system of internet (google search). Second, quick and automatic completion of routine tasks. Routine tasks can be solved by students using computer-assisted quickly and automatically. With computers, students can create graphs, calculate data, making the animated presentation, and other sebagainya.Ketiga, assessing and handling information. With the computer connected to the intenet, students can easily obtain and send information easily and quickly. Through the internet, students can have a website that covers a whole dunia.Peran ICT GuruSemua For it will not happen by itself because every student has different conditions to each other. Students need guidance from teachers and from their parents in the learning process with the support of ICT. In this regard, the teacher holds a very important role and must master the ins and outs of ICT and, more important is the ability to facilitate learning efektif.Guru child must provide an opportunity as much as possible for students to develop study methods themselves in accordance with their conditions respectively. In addition, teachers are expected to understand the condition of each student and help him to the optimum development. As a manager of learning, teachers have the independence and autonomy of the broadest in managing the overall teaching and learning activities with mendinamiskan all supporting sources of learning. teacher is not the only source of learning for children, but he was as a facilitator of learning students.
Indonesia—Deteksi bahasa—AlbaniaArabBelandaBulgarCekDanskEstiGalisiaHindiIbraniIndonesiaInggrisItaliaJepangJermanKatalanaKoreaKroatLatviLituaviMagyarMaltaMandarinNorskPilipinoPolskiPortugisPrancisRumaniaRusiaSerbSlovenSlowakiaSpanyolSuomiSwenskThaiTurkiUkrainaVietnamYunani > Inggris—AlbaniaArabBelandaBulgarCekDanskEstiGalisiaHindiIbraniIndonesiaInggrisItaliaJepangJermanKatalanaKoreaKroatLatviLituaviMagyarMaltaMandarin (Aks. Sederhana)Mandarin (Aks. Tradisional)NorskPilipinoPolskiPortugisPrancisRumaniaRusiaSerbSlovenSlowakiaSpanyolSuomiSwenskThaiTurkiUkrainaVietnamYunani tukar
window.jstiming.load.tick('br');h = new _History();ctr = new _TranslateForm(new _LanguageSelector('old_sl','sl_select','3'),new _LanguageSelector('old_tl','tl_select','3'),'old_submit','submit_button', h,'source','result_box','dict','autotrans','/translate','/translate_t',undefined,'', 'select_text','select_document', 'file_div', 'file',true,'telusuri','clir');window.jstiming.load.tick('prt')
Sarankan terjemahan yang lebih baik
Terima kasih telah atas kontribusi Anda berupa saran terjemahan pada Google Terjemahan.
bahaasa Posted in 17 February 2009 ¬ FajarNo Sandi 17:56 h.Rodiyansyah Comments » The role of ICT for ICT SiswaTerdapat some role in helping students in learning, namely: First, presenting information. With ICT, data and information can easily obtained by students just by entering data in accordance with the desires of the students in the system of internet (google search). Second, quick and automatic completion of routine tasks. Routine tasks can be solved by students using computer-assisted quickly and automatically. With computers, students can create graphs, calculate data, making the animated presentation, and other sebagainya.Ketiga, assessing and handling information. With the computer connected to the intenet, students can easily obtain and send information easily and quickly. Through the internet, students can have a website that covers a whole dunia.Peran ICT GuruSemua For it will not happen by itself because every student has different conditions to each other. Students need guidance from teachers and from their parents in the learning process with the support of ICT. In this regard, the teacher holds a very important role and must master the ins and outs of ICT and, more important is the ability to facilitate learning efektif.Guru child must provide an opportunity as much as possible for students to develop study methods themselves in accordance with their conditions respectively. In addition, teachers are expected to understand the condition of each student and help him to the optimum development. As a manager of learning, teachers have the independence and autonomy of the broadest in managing the overall teaching and learning activities with mendinamiskan all supporting sources of learning. teacher is not the only source of learning for children, but he was as a facilitator of learning students." name=gtrans>
Kami akan menggunakan saran Anda untuk meningkatkan kualitas terjemahan saat sistem kami diperbarui di masa mendatang.
Posted in 17 February 2009 ¬ FajarNo Sandi 17:56 h.Rodiyansyah Comments »
The role of ICT for ICT SiswaTerdapat some role in helping students in learning, namely: First, presenting information. With ICT, data and information can easily obtained by students just by entering data in accordance with the desires of the students in the system of internet (google search). Second, quick and automatic completion of routine tasks. Routine tasks can be solved by students using computer-assisted quickly and automatically. With computers, students can create graphs, calculate data, making the animated presentation, and other sebagainya.Ketiga, assessing and handling information. With the computer connected to the intenet, students can easily obtain and send information easily and quickly. Through the internet, students can have a website that covers a whole dunia.Peran ICT GuruSemua For it will not happen by itself because every student has different conditions to each other. Students need guidance from teachers and from their parents in the learning process with the support of ICT. In this regard, the teacher holds a very important role and must master the ins and outs of ICT and, more important is the ability to facilitate learning efektif.Guru child must provide an opportunity as much as possible for students to develop study methods themselves in accordance with their conditions respectively. In addition, teachers are expected to understand the condition of each student and help him to the optimum development. As a manager of learning, teachers have the independence and autonomy of the broadest in managing the overall teaching and learning activities with mendinamiskan all supporting sources of learning. teacher is not the only source of learning for children, but he was as a facilitator of learning students.
Beranda Google - Tentang Google Terjemahan©2009 Google
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