Sunday, August 23, 2009

peran teknologi informasi dan komunikasi_by_Avizahra Jabbar

Intelijen (bahasa Inggris: intelligence) adalah informasi yang dihargai atas ketepatan waktu dan relevansinya, bukan detil dan keakuratannya, berbeda dengan "data", yang berupa informasi yang akurat, atau "fakta" yang merupakan informasi yang telah diverifikasi. Intelijen kadang disebut "data aktif" atau "intelijen aktif", informasi ini biasanya mengenai rencana, keputusan, dan kegiatan suatu pihak, yang penting untuk ditindak-lanjuti atau dianggap berharga dari sudut pandang organisasi pengumpul intelijen. Pada dinas intelijen dan dinas terkait lainnya, intelijen merupakan data aktif, ditambah dengan proses dan hasil dari pengumpulan dan analisa data tersebut, yang terbentuk oleh jaringan yang kohesif.

Informasi yang dikumpulkan bisa sulit untuk didapatkan, atau bahkan informasi rahasia, yang didapatkan dengan spionase ("sumber tertutup"), atau dapat juga berupa informasi yang tersedia bebas, di surat kabar atau internet ("sumber terbuka"). Secara tradisional, pengumpulan intelijen berupa pengumpulan informasi dari segala sumber, lalu penyimpanan dan pengurutan informasi tersebut, dan diperkirakan sebagian kecil dari yang terkumpul akan berguna kemudian. Hasil dari pengumpulan intelijen ("produk") dan sumber serta metode pengumpulannya ("tradecraft") seringkali dirahasiakan.

[sunting] Perkembangan intelijen

[sunting] Informasi yang dicari
Pada perkembangan selanjutnya, informasi yang dicari bukan hanya bersifat kemiliteran namun juga mengenai masalah masalah sosial, gejolak sosial, informasi ekonomi, pertanian, tingkat keberhasilan panen serta kemajuan teknologi. Tujuannya selain bersifat untuk kepentingan analisis militer, juga berguna untuk kepentingan lainnya seperti kepentingan ekonomi, kerjasama ekonomi dan lain-lain terutama yang bersifat hubungan antar negara (diplomatik). Selain negara, terkadang perusahaan-perusahaan maupun kalangan bisnis juga menggunakan cara-cara ini untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang sifatnya terbatas hanya untuk kepentingan bisnis seperti prospek mendirikan usaha maupun investasi, kemampuan daya beli dan ekonomi sampai mengetahui kekuatan bisnis saingannya.

[sunting] Operasi intelijen
Pada dasarnya, intelijen adalah bersifat mengumpulkan informasi. Pada perkembangannya terutama yang berurusan dengan masalah negara, juga ditambah dengan usaha sejauh mana menyelesaikan setiap ancaman yang dilakukan secara efektif, rahasia, dan langsung menuju sasarannya yang dikenal dengan operasi intelijen yang sering dikenal juga dengan operasi klandestin. Sebagai contoh di Amerika Serikat terdapat undang-undang intelijen yang isinya "..serta usaha usaha yang dilaksanakan untuk menghadapi ancaman terhadap kepentingan nasional". Maka mucullah operasi-operasi seperti usaha penggulingan terhadap Presiden Soekarno dengan memberikan bantuan senjata kepada kaum pemberontak pada dekade 1950-an, Invasi Teluk Babi di Kuba tahun 1960-an, usaha pembunuhan Presiden Saddam Hussein dan lain-lain.

[sunting] Kriminalitas
Prinsip prinsip intelijen juga digunakan untuk mengatasi kriminalitas dan kejahatan yang terjadi di masyarakat umumnya dugunakan oleh kepolisian dengan menggunakan unit-unit reserse atau kejaksaan seperti di Amerika Serikat (FBI), detektif bahkan wartawan untuk mencari sumber berita. Masing masing memiliki kode etik tersendiri.

[sunting] Sifat-sifat operasi Intelijen
Umumnya operasi intelijen dilakukan untuk dua kepentingan:
Operasi Taktisyaitu operasi yang dilakukan untuk mendukung operasi-operasi taktis yang dilakukan dalam jangka waktu dan kegiatan tertentu, umumnya dilakukan oleh angkatan bersenjata dalam operasi operasi militernya.
Operasi Strategisyakni operasi yang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data-data informasi dan kegiatan lain untuk kepentingan strategis umumnya dilakukan dengan jangka panjang.
Intelijen pemerintah biasanya diserahkan pada dinas intelijen, yang umumnya diberikan dana besar yang dirahasiakan. Dinas-dinas ini mengumpulkan informasi dengan berbagai cara, dari penggunaan agen rahasia, menyadap saluran komunikasi, sampai penggunaan satelit pengintai.
Intelijen militer adalah kegiatan dalam perang yang melakukan pengumpulan, analisa, dan tindak lanjut atas informasi tentang musuh di lapangan. Kegiatan ini memakai mata-mata, pengintai, peralatan pengamatan yang canggih, serta agen rahasia.
Intelijen bisnis merupakan informasi rahasia yang didapatkan suatu perusahaan mengenai saingannya dan pasar

Intelligence (information gathering)
Intelligence (abbreviated int. or intel.) refers to discrete information with currency and relevance, and the abstraction, evaluation, and understanding of such information for its accuracy and value. Sometimes called "active data" or "active intelligence", intelligence typically regards the current plans, decisions, and actions of people, as these may have urgency or may otherwise be considered "valuable" from the point of view of the intelligence-gathering entity. Active intelligence is treated as a constantly mutable component, or variable, within a larger equation of understanding the secret, covert, or otherwise private "intelligence" of an opponent, or competitor, to answer questions or obtain advance warning of events and movements deemed to be important or otherwise relevant.
"Intel" is in contrast with "data," which typically refers to precise or particular information, and "fact," which typically refers to verified information. As used by intelligence agencies and related services, "intelligence" refers integrally to both active data as well as the process and the result of gathering and analyzing such information, as these together form a cohesive network (cf. "hive mind"). In a sense, this usage of "intelligence" at the national level may be somewhat associated with the concept of social intelligence —albeit one which is tied to localized or nationalist tradition, politics, law, and the enforcement thereof.
This article deals with the general role and history of intelligence. For a more detailed look at the process, there is a hierarchy of articles, partially posted, beginning with intelligence cycle management.

[edit] Process

An Afghan fighter investigates the hard drive pulled from a laptop seized Operation Red Wing.
Information collected can be difficult to obtain or altogether secret material gained through ("closed sources") See list of intelligence gathering disciplines, or it can be widely available but systematically researched through Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). Traditionally, intelligence involves all-source collection, storage and indexing of data, usually in multiple languages, in the expectation that some small portion will later prove important. Intelligence gathering disciplines, or, more narrowly, and the sources and methods used to obtain them are often highly classified and sometimes compartmentalized, and intelligence officers need top level security clearance.
Government intelligence is usually assigned to intelligence agencies, often with large, secret budgets. These use a variety of techniques to obtain information, ranging from secret agents (HUMINT) to electronic intercepts (COMINT, IMINT, SIGINT, and ELINT) to specialized technical methods (MASINT).
Depending on the national policy, some intelligence agencies engage in clandestine and covert activities beyond espionage such as political subversion, sabotage and assassination. Other agencies strictly limit themselves to analysis, or collection and analysis; some governments have other organizations for covert action.
Military intelligence is an element of warfare which covers all aspects of gathering, analyzing, and making use of information, including information about the natural environment (Shulsky and Schmitt, 2002), over enemy forces and the ground. It involves spying, look-outs, high-tech surveillance equipment, and also secret agents.
Business intelligence denotes the public or secret information that an organization obtains about its competitors and markets. See also data warehousing.
Intelligence as used here, when done properly, serves a function for organizations similar to that which intelligence (trait) serves for individual humans and animals. Intelligence collection is often controversial and seen as a threat to privacy. Intelligence is essential for government policy formation and operations; it is a policy matter for individual governments whether While usually associated with warfare, intelligence can also be used to preserve peace.
The process of taking known information about situations and entities of strategic, operational, or tactical importance, characterizing the known, and, with appropriate statements of probability, the future actions in those situations and by those entities is called intelligence analysis. The descriptions are drawn from what may only be available in the form of deliberately deceptive information; the analyst must correlate the similarities among deceptions and extract a common truth. Although its practice is found in its purest form inside intelligence agencies, such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the United States or the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, MI6) in the UK, its methods are also applicable in fields such as business intelligence or competitive intelligence.
Intelligence analysis is a way of reducing the ambiguity of highly ambiguous situations, with the ambiguity often very deliberately created by highly intelligent people with mindsets very different from the analyst's. Many analysts prefer the middle-of-the-road explanation, rejecting high or low probability explanations. Analysts may use their own standard of proportionality as to the risk acceptance of the opponent, rejecting that the opponent may take an extreme risk to achieve what the analyst regards as a minor gain. Above all, the analyst must avoid the special cognitive traps for intelligence analysis projecting what she or he wants the opponent to think, and using available information to justify that conclusion.

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