Sunday, August 2, 2009

proses booting_by_ikromul azhmi

Proses Booting
Sebelum membahas urutan proses booting, ada baiknya kita mengenal arti booting itu sendiri. Booting dapat diartikan sebagai proses untuk menghidupkan komputer sampai sistem operasi mengambil alih proses
Selain itu arti BIOS pun perlu dipahami. BIOS (Basic Input Output System) adalah suatu kode software yang ditanam di dalam suatu sistem komputer yang memiliki fungsi utama untuk memberi informasi visual pada saat komputer dinyalakan, memberi akses ke keyboard dan juga memberi akses komunikasi secara low-level diantara komponen hardware.
Urutan Proses Booting :
Saat komputer dihidupkan, processor menjalankan BIOS, dan kemudian BIOS melakukan POST (power-on-self test), yaitu memeriksa atau mengecek semua hardware yang ada. Kegiatan ini bisa dilakukan, jika setting BIOS benar.
BIOS akan mencari disk boot untuk menjalankan sistem operasi.
Sistem operasi berjalan dan siap digunakan.
Proses Booting ada dua macam, yaitu :
Cold booting, yaitu booting komputer dari keadaan mati.
Warm booting, yaitu booting komputer pada saat komputer sudah hidup(mendapat suplai listrik)
Pada saat booting kita dapat melakukan interupsi untuk melihat/ mengatur konfigurasi BIOS. Caranya yaitu dengan menekan tombol Del atau tombol yang lain tergantung dari jenis BIOS-nya.
Setting Konfigurasi BIOS
Ada banyak option didalam BIOS pada umumnya dibagi dalam beberapa kategori. Ex : Standard CMOS, BIOS Features, Power Management, Integrated Systems, dll. Setiap kategori terdiri dari option-option pilihan , misalnya
Standar CMOS Setup ; konfigurasi hardware yang paling dasar seperti date, time, hd, drive, video,
Bios Features Setup ; Konfigurasi untuk tingkat lanjuntan seperti Virus warning, CPU internal Cache, External Cache, Quick Power On Self Test, Boot Sequences, dll Integrated Peripheral ;
Advanced Chipset Features ; option untuk mengoptimalkan bagi yang expert dan professional, ada DRAM timing, CAS Latency, SDRAM cycle length, AGP aperture, AGV mode.
Integrated Peripherals ; Mengendalikan fungsi-fungsi tambahan pada motherboard seperti port serial mau pun paralel. Nonaktifkan ( disabled) saja yang Anda tidak butuhkan untuk dapat membebaskan IRQ.
PnP/PCI Configurations ; Sebaiknya pilih semua konfigurasi pada pilihan Auto, kecuali port USB atau grafik 3D yang sering membuat masalah. Bila demikian berikan interrupt tersendiri.
Load BIOS Default & Load SETUP default ; untuk mengembalikan fungis secar standar sebelum diubah-ubah.
Power Management Setup ; Semakin canggih mekanisme penghematan energi, semakin membingungkan pilihannya manajemen power-nya. Setting yang tepat dapat menghemat uang Anda.
source :


Booting Process Before discussing the process of booting sequence, it's good to know we mean booting itself. Booting can be defined as the process for the computer operating system to take over the process In addition the BIOS is also need to be understood. BIOS (Basic Input Output System) is a software code that is planted in a computer system that has a primary function to provide visual information on the computer when switched on, giving access to the keyboard and also gives access to the communication between the low-level hardware component. Booting Process Order: When the computer is turned on, processor runs the BIOS, the BIOS and then make a POST (power-on self-test), the check or check all the existing hardware. This activity can be done, if the correct BIOS settings. BIOS akan find boot disk to run the operating system. Operating system is running and ready for use. Booting is the process of two kinds, namely: Cold booting, booting the computer from the dead. Warm booting, booting the computer when the computer is living (get a supply of electricity) At the time we can make booting interruptions to view / set the BIOS settings. To do that is by pressing Del key or the other depending on the type of BIOS it. Configuring BIOS settings There are many options in the BIOS is generally divided into several categories. Ex: Standard CMOS, BIOS Features, Power Management, Integrated Systems, etc.. Each category consists of option-choice option, for example, Standard CMOS Setup; hardware configuration the most basic such as date, time, hd, drive, video, Bios Features Setup, Configuration for lanjuntan level, such as virus warning, CPU Internal Cache, External Cache, Quick Power On Self Test, boot sequences, etc. Integrated Peripherals; Advanced Chipset Features; option to optimize for the expert and professional, have DRAM timing, CAS latency, cycle length SDRAM, AGP APERTURE, agv mode. Integrated Peripherals; Controlling additional functions such as the motherboard serial port would also parallel. Off (disabled) that you do not need to be able to free irq. PnP / PCI configurations; should select all the configuration options in the Auto, but the USB port or a 3D graphics often create problems. If so give interrupt itself. Load BIOS Defaults Load SETUP & default, to restore the default before fungis ririskiky changed. Power Management Setup; The sophisticated mechanism of energy saving, the more confusing options to its management power. Setting the right can save you money. source:

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