Sunday, August 2, 2009

sistem operasi_by_dania novianti

Sistem operasi
Dalam Ilmu komputer, Sistem operasi atau dalam bahasa Inggris: operating system atau OS adalah perangkat lunak sistem yang bertugas untuk melakukan kontrol dan manajemen perangkat keras serta operasi-operasi dasar sistem, termasuk menjalankan software aplikasi seperti program-program pengolah kata dan browser web.
Secara umum, Sistem Operasi adalah software pada lapisan pertama yang ditaruh pada memori komputer pada saat komputer dinyalakan. Sedangkan software-software lainnya dijalankan setelah Sistem Operasi berjalan, dan Sistem Operasi akan melakukan layanan inti umum untuk software-software itu. Layanan inti umum tersebut seperti akses ke disk, manajemen memori, skeduling task, dan antar-muka user. Sehingga masing-masing software tidak perlu lagi melakukan tugas-tugas inti umum tersebut, karena dapat dilayani dan dilakukan oleh Sistem Operasi. Bagian kode yang melakukan tugas-tugas inti dan umum tersebut dinamakan dengan "kernel" suatu Sistem Operasi.

Biasanya, istilah Sistem Operasi sering ditujukan kepada semua software yang masuk dalam satu paket dengan sistem komputer sebelum aplikasi-aplikasi software terinstall. Dalam Ilmu komputer, Sistem operasi atau dalam bahasa Inggris: operating system atau OS adalah perangkat lunak sistem yang bertugas untuk melakukan kontrol dan manajemen perangkat keras serta operasi-operasi dasar sistem, termasuk menjalankan software aplikasi seperti program-program pengolah kata dan browser web.
Secara umum, Sistem Operasi adalah software pada lapisan pertama yang ditempatkan pada memori komputer pada saat komputer dinyalakan. Sedangkan software-software lainnya dijalankan setelah Sistem Operasi berjalan, dan Sistem Operasi akan melakukan layanan inti umum untuk software-software itu. Layanan inti umum tersebut seperti akses ke disk, manajemen memori, skeduling task, dan antar-muka user. Sehingga masing-masing software tidak perlu lagi melakukan tugas-tugas inti umum tersebut, karena dapat dilayani dan dilakukan oleh Sistem Operasi. Bagian kode yang melakukan tugas-tugas inti dan umum tersebut dinamakan dengan "kernel" suatu Sistem Operasi

Biasanya, istilah Sistem Operasi sering ditujukan kepada semua software yang masuk
Kalau sistem komputer terbagi dalam lapisan-lapisan, maka Sistem Operasi adalah penghubung antara lapisan hardware dan lapisan software. Lebih jauh daripada itu, Sistem Operasi melakukan semua tugas-tugas penting dalam komputer, dan menjamin aplikasi-aplikasi yang berbeda dapat berjalan secara bersamaan dengan lancar. Sistem Operasi menjamin aplikasi software lainnya dapat menggunakan memori, melakukan input dan output terhadap peralatan lain, dan memiliki akses kepada sistem file. Apabila beberapa aplikasi berjalan secara bersamaan, maka Sistem Operasi mengatur skedule yang tepat, sehingga sedapat mungkin semua proses yang berjalan mendapatkan waktu yang cukup untuk menggunakan prosesor (CPU) serta tidak saling mengganggu.
Dalam banyak kasus, Sistem Operasi menyediakan suatu pustaka dari fungsi-fungsi standar, dimana aplikasi lain dapat memanggil fungsi-fungsi itu, sehingga dalam setiap pembuatan program baru, tidak perlu membuat fungsi-fungsi tersebut dari awal.
Sistem Operasi secara umum terdiri dari beberapa bagian:
Mekanisme Boot, yaitu meletakkan kernel ke dalam memory
Kernel, yaitu inti dari sebuah Sistem Operasi
Command Interpreter atau shell, yang bertugas membaca input dari pengguna
Pustaka-pustaka, yaitu yang menyediakan kumpulan fungsi dasar dan standar yang dapat dipanggil oleh aplikasi lain
Driver untuk berinteraksi dengan hardware eksternal, sekaligus untuk mengontrol mereka.
Sebagian Sistem Operasi hanya mengizinkan satu aplikasi saja yang berjalan pada satu waktu, tetapi sebagian besar Sistem Operasi baru mengizinkan beberapa aplikasi berjalan secara simultan pada waktu yang bersamaan. Sistem Operasi seperti itu disebut sebagai Multi-tasking Operating System. Beberapa Sistem Operasi berukuran sangat besar dan kompleks, serta inputnya tergantung kepada input pengguna, sedangkan Sistem Operasi lainnya sangat kecil dan dibuat dengan asumsi bekerja tanpa intervensi manusia sama sekali. Tipe yang pertama sering disebut sebagai Desktop OS, sedangkan tipe kedua adalah Real-Time OS
Sebagai contoh, yang dimaksud sistem operasi itu antara lain adalah Windows, Linux, Free BSD, Solaris, palm, dan sebagainya.

[sunting] Layanan inti umum
Seiring dengan berkembangnya Sistem Operasi, semakin banyak lagi layanan yang menjadi layanan inti umum. Kini, sebuah OS mungkin perlu menyediakan layanan network dan koneksitas internet, yang dulunya tidak menjadi layanan inti umum. Sistem Operasi juga perlu untuk menjaga kerusakan sistem komputer dari gangguan program perusak yang berasal dari komputer lainnya, seperti virus. Daftar layanan inti umum akan terus bertambah.
Program saling berkomunikasi antara satu dengan lainnya dengan Antarmuka Pemrograman Aplikasi, Application Programming Interface atau disingkat dengan API. Dengan API inilah program aplikasi dapat berkomunikasi dengan Sistem Operasi. Sebagaimana manusia berkomunikasi dengan komputer melalui Antarmuka User, program juga berkomunikasi dengan program lainnya melalui API.
Walaupun demikian API sebuah komputer tidaklah berpengaruh sepenuhnya pada program-program yang dijalankan diatas platform operasi tersebut. Contohnya bila program yang dibuat untuk windows 3.1 bila dijalankan pada windows 95 dan generasi setelahnya akan terlihat perbedaan yang mencolok antara window program tersebut dengan program yang lain

Operating system
An Operating System (commonly abbreviated to either OS or O/S) is an interface between hardware and user; an OS is responsible for the management and coordination of activities and the sharing of the resources of the computer. The operating system acts as a host for computing applications that are run on the machine. As a host, one of the purposes of an operating system is to handle the details of the operation of the hardware. This relieves application programs from having to manage these details and makes it easier to write applications. Almost all computers (including handheld computers, desktop computers, supercomputers, video game consoles) as well as some robots, domestic appliances (dishwashers, washing machines), and portable media players use an operating system of some type.[1] Some of the oldest models may however use an embedded operating system, that may be contained on a compact disk or other data storage device.
Operating systems offer a number of services to application programs and users. Applications access these services through application programming interfaces (APIs) or system calls. By invoking these interfaces, the application can request a service from the operating system, pass parameters, and receive the results of the operation. Users may also interact with the operating system with some kind of software user interface (UI) like typing commands by using command line interface (CLI) or using a graphical user interface (GUI, commonly pronounced “gooey”). For hand-held and desktop computers, the user interface is generally considered part of the operating system. On large multi-user systems like Unix and Unix-like systems, the user interface is generally implemented as an application program that runs outside the operating system. (Whether the user interface should be included as part of the operating system is a point of contention

In the beginning
Proprietary operating systems were made to sell the company's hardware. Without system software (compilers and operating systems), a budding hardware developer had great difficulty launching a computer; the availability of operating systems not tied to a single hardware supplier - such as Digital Research's CP/M for microcomputers, and Unix for larger computers - greatly transformed the computer industry; someone with an innovative idea could easily start producing hardware on which buyers could use standard software. In 1969-70, UNIX first appeared on the PDP-7 and later the PDP-11. It soon became capable of providing cross-platform time sharing using preemptive multitasking, advanced memory management, memory protection, and a host of other advanced features. UNIX soon gained popularity as an operating system for mainframes and minicomputers alike. Unix was inspired by Multics, as were several other operating systems, such as Data General's AOS-VS, and IBM's addition of such concepts as subdirectories to PC DOS in version 2.0.
Microsoft bought QDOS from Seattle Computer Products, a very simple diskette operating system somewhat similar to CP/M, to create an operating system, PC DOS, for the launch of the IBM PC, under a deal with IBM where Microsoft could still sell the operating system as MS DOS for non-IBM computers. Microsoft produced odd-numbered major version numbers while IBM was responsible for even revision numbers (2.0, 2.1, 4.0, etc) of the code base until version 6. There was very little difference between MS-DOS and PC-DOS, one example being the inclusion of GW-BASIC with MS-DOS (because some BASIC code in IBM PC ROMs was not legally allowed to be put into non-IBM computers). MS-DOS and PC-DOS soon became known simply as "DOS" (the term is now usually taken to also include other "DOSes" such as DR-DOS and FreeDOS, but it should not be confused with the command prompt program within some operating systems, COMMAND.COM). Although MS-DOS could be tailored to hardware significantly different to IBM's PC, it soon became common for hardware vendors to make their equipment as compatible as possible with the IBM PC and its immediate IBM successors (the PC-XT and later IBM PC-AT models), since many popular DOS programs bypassed the operating system to access hardware directly for speed, requiring other manufactures to closely copy the IBM design, including its limitations. The availability of MS-DOS had two major effects on the computer industry: the commercial acceptability of "sneaky tricks" (as documented, for example, in Ralf Brown's Interrupt List) to gain speed or functionality or copy-protection, and a market that demanded extreme compatibility (speed and cosmetic differences were the only acceptable innovations).
IBM PC compatibles could also run Microsoft Xenix, a UNIX-like operating system from the early 1980s. Xenix was heavily marketed by Microsoft as a multi-user alternative to its single user MS-DOS operating system. The CPUs of these personal computers could not facilitate kernel memory protection or provide dual mode operation, so Xenix relied on cooperative multitasking and had no protected memory.
The 80286-based IBM PC AT was the first IBM compatible personal computer capable of providing protected memory mode operation. However, this mode was hampered by software bugs in its implementation on the 286, and not widely accepted until the release of the Intel 80386. With the 386 porting BSD Unix to a PC became feasible, and various Unix-like systems (tagged "*nix" at the time), including Linux, arose, but IBM (and, initially, Microsoft) opted for OS/2 from the inception of the PS/2; Microsoft eventually going its own way with Microsoft Windows firstly as a GUI on top of DOS, then as a complete operating system.
Classic Mac OS, and Microsoft Windows 1.0-3.11 supported only cooperative multitasking (Windows 95, 98, & ME supported preemptive multitasking only when running 32-bit applications, but ran legacy 16-bit applications using cooperative multitasking), and were very limited in their abilities to take advantage of protected memory. Application programs running on these operating systems must yield CPU time to the scheduler when they are not using it, either by default, or by calling a function.
Windows NT's underlying operating system kernel which was designed by essentially the same team as Digital Equipment Corporation's VMS, a UNIX-like operating system which provided protected mode operation for all user programs, kernel memory protection, preemptive multi-tasking, virtual file system support, and a host of other features

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